Saint Mary Magdalene Chaplet

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Chaplet Prayer for Saint Mary Magdalen
The chaplet consists of a medal of Saint Mary of Magdalen, and 10 beads plus 3 for a total of 13 beads.
Mary Magdalen, Also known as Maria Magdalena; Mary Magdalene; the Sinner was from Magdala near Tiberias, on the west shore of Galilee. She may have gotten her name from a Talmudic expression meaning "curling women's hair," which the Talmud explains as of an adulteress.
Feast Day July 22
Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus. Our Lord cured her of evil spirits and ailments. Our Lord forgave her for all of her sins. She were so filled with sorrow and remorse over her sins that you anointed Christ's feet with perfumed oil. She began weeping and her tears fell upon his feet. She kissed and wiped his feet with her hair. She stood at the foot of the cross and saw Our Lord Jesus Christ being crucified to his death. She saw his lifeless body taken from the cross and placed in his mother's arms. She saw him being placed in the tomb. When she went back to the tomb and did not find the Lord's body, she thought it had been taken away. She stood outside the tomb weeping. Upon seeing Our Risen Lord from the dead, she was overwhelmed and filled with joy.
How to pray the chaplet:
On the Medal say:
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, help me to recognize my sins so that I may seek forgiveness and that I too may be exorcised by Him. Pray for me so that I too may be closer to Jesus and love him as my Divine Savior. Pray for (mention your petition here) so that they too may see our Lord Jesus Christ and seek forgiveness for their sins so that they too may always seek the Lord and follow him. Help us to persevere to the end so that we will be saved.
First 3 Beads
Act of Contrition
The Lords Prayer
Hail Mary
Bead 1
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, Our Lord cured you of evil spirits and ailments. Pray that we may be delivered from evil.
Lord, help me to examine my conscience as I pray.
Fatima Prayer
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us, from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven, and help especially those most in need of Your mercy.
Bead 2
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, Our Lord forgave you for all of your sins. Pray that we may truly seek forgiveness for our sins.
Lord, help me to examine my conscience as I pray.
(Say Fatima Prayer)
Bead 3
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, you were so filled with sorrow and remorse over your sins that you anointed Christ's feet with perfumed oil. Pray that our remorse for our sins may be a sweet fragrance to our Lord.
Lord, help me to examine my conscience as I pray. (Say Fatima Prayer)
Bead 4
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, you wept at the foot of Christ and your tears fell upon his feet. You kissed and wiped his feet with you hair. Pray that our tears of sorrow will fall upon the feet of Jesus and that Our Lord will wipe away our sins.
Lord, help me to examine my conscience as I pray. (Say Fatima Prayer)
Bead 5
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, you stood at the foot of the cross and saw Our Lord Jesus Christ being crucified to his death. Pray that we may recognize and witness to other that Jesus did this for us.
Lord, help me to examine my conscience as I pray. (Say Fatima Prayer)
Bead 6
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, you saw his lifeless body taken from the cross and placed in his mother's arms. Pray that Our Blessed Mother will hold us at the hour of death in her arms.
Lord, help me to examine my conscience as I pray. (Say Fatima Prayer)
Bead 7
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, you saw him being placed in the tomb. When we die, pray that we may be buried on sanctified ground.
Lord, help me to examine my conscience as I pray. (Say Fatima Prayer)
Bead 8
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, when you went back to the tomb and did not find the Lord's body, you thought it had been taken away. Pray that our souls are not taken to hell.
Lord, help me to examine my conscience as I pray. (Say Fatima Prayer)
Bead 9
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, you stood outside the tomb weeping. Pray for our family, relatives, and loved ones so that they may be consoled and comforted when we die.
Lord, help me to examine my conscience as I pray. (Say Fatima Prayer)
Bead 10
Saint Mary Magdalen, friend, and follower of Jesus, upon seeing Our Risen Lord from the dead, you were overwhelmed and filled with joy. Pray that we to may see the Risen Lord and that our final resting place will be in Heaven with God the Father.
Lord, help me to examine my conscience as I pray. (Say Fatima Prayer)
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because I have offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin.
Intercessory Prayer to Saint Mary Magdalene.
Saint Mary Magdalene, you who obtained the forgiveness of Jesus for all your sins, you who assisted Him up to His dying breath at the foot of the cross, you who were the first one to witness His resurrection and the first proclamation of pascal joy, I beg you to hear my prayer.
Intercede for me to our Lord Jesus Christ so that He grants me His forgiveness for all my sins, my doubts, my lack of kindness and charity towards those close to me and all those whom I approach, and for all my errors committed voluntarily or involuntarily.
Now that you are beside Jesus, do not abandon me in my distress. Through your intercession, may the Lord grant me absolution, and may I find serenity, peace of the heart, the soul and the spirit.