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Unique Rosary Beads

Heirloom Rosary of the Seven Joys of Our Lady, prayer chaplet beads, Dolor rosary beads, dolour rosaries, Rosary gift, Rosary.

Heirloom Rosary of the Seven Joys of Our Lady, prayer chaplet beads, Dolor rosary beads, dolour rosaries, Rosary gift, Rosary.

Regular price €140,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €140,95 EUR
Sale Sold
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An absolutely lovely set of handmade rosaries. This rosary is totally unique in both style and design. It is a true heirloom piece, made with a clear 10 mm glass beads and highlighted with both silver and green glass bead caps. Handmade from the finest quality materials.

The Franciscan Rosary, also known as the Seraphic Rosary, the Franciscan Crown Rosary or the Rosary of the Seven Joys of Our Lady, recalls the seven joyous events of Mary’s life:

You will be amazed at how gorgeous this dolour rosary is. An ideal gift for somebody who likes something different, made with high quality materials and in a totally Unique one off design. It's a very durable Rosary and easy to pray on without tangling.

Additional medals can be added, just let me know your requests.


The Rosary will be sent in a gift box with a Rosary prayer leaflet.


Crucifix: Silver Harlequin design Crucifix.

Centre medal: Double sided Picture medal.

Hail Mary beads: 8 mm clear glass beads with double layered bead caps, green glass caps and silver plated.

Meditation beads: Double sided picture picture medals, of the following:
The Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38)
The Visitation (Luke 1:39–56)
The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 1)
The Adoration of the Magi (Matthew 2:11)
The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52)
The Appearance of Christ to Mary after the Resurrection (John 20, 21)
The Assumption and Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven (Revelation 12:1)

Accessories: Silver Plated spacer beads.

Length approximate: 90 cm

This is a substantial and heavy set of Rosaries, handmade with silver plated 18 gauge wire loops.

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