Saint Maria Goretti Chaplet

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Maria Goretti Prayer Chaplet
Begin with:
The Apostles' Creed on the medal.
Three Our Fathers in honour of the Blessed Trinity.
Hail, O Holy St. Maria Goretti, whom I acknowledge, after Mary, as my advocate with the Divine Spouse, intercede for me now and at the hour of my death
On the beads pray the:
Hail Mary:
St. Maria Goretti, beloved daughter of Jesus and Mary, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
In conclusion pray:
Hail, O illustrious St. Maria Goretti, who shed your blood in order not to offend God through mortal sin! I bless the Lord for all the graces He has bestowed upon thee during thy life, and especially at thy death. I praise and glorify Him for the honour and power with which he was crowned thee, and I beg thee to obtain for me from God the graces I ask through thy intercession.
Saint Maria Goretti
Born: October 16, 1890 in Corinaldo, Province of Ancona, Marche, Kingdom of Italy
Died: July 6, 1902 in Nettuno, Province of Rome, Lazio, Kingdom of Italy
Choked and stabbed to death during a rape attempt
Venerated: Roman Catholic Church
Beatified: April 27, 1947 by Pope Pius XII
Canonized: June 24, 1950 by Pope Pius XII
Ceremony was attended by her mother - the only time a parent has witnessed her child's canonization
Feast Day: July 6
Patronages: Against Poverty
Against the Death of Parents
Poor People
Rape Victims
Young People in General
Children of Mary
Places: Italy
Saint Maria Goretti, called by Pope Pius XII "the Saint Agnes of the 20th century," was born on a small farm near Ancona, Italy, in 1890. The third of seven children, she was, in the words of her mother, "Happy, good, openhearted, without whim, but with a sense and seriousness beyond her years, and never disobedient." Her father died when she was nine, and Maria helped out with the younger children and the housework while her mother ran the farm. She received First Communion at eleven and strove with all her strength to do better each day.
Six months later, this heroic maiden was severely tried for her Faith. The Goretti family shared a home with the partner of their father and his son, Alexander, a wicked-minded youth who began making sinful advances toward Maria. She repelled them immediately but said nothing about them for he threatened to kill her and her mother if she did. Finally, lust drove the tragic Alexander to attack outright, but again the Saint resisted him with all her strength, crying out repeatedly, "No, it's a sin! God does not want it!" Thereupon, the attacker, overwhelmed by fear and anger, began to strike at her blindly with a long dagger, and several blows passed clear through her body.
Saint Maria was rushed to the hospital at Nettuno and surgeons worked feverishly to save her life, but it soon became evident that nothing could be done. The next morning she was given Communion but first queried about her attitude toward Alexander. She replied clearly that she forgave him, that she would pray for his repentance, and that she wished to see him in heaven. On July 6, 1902, this saintly maiden died and wen tot meet her heavenly Spouse for Whose love she had been willing to give her life.
On July 25, 1950, she was raised to sainthood by Pope Pius XII, with her mother, brothers, and sisters present, a unique event in the history of the Church. By that time her prayers for her murderer had long since been heard and answered. After eight years of unrepentant imprisonment, Alexander had a complete change of heart; released for good behaviour after twenty-seven years, he hastened to beg forgiveness to the Saint's mother and then became a Capuchin lay brother, who gave evidence at the canonical inquiry about Blessed Maria and lived to see her canonized.
God, Author of innocence and lover of chastity, You conferred on Saint Maria Your handmaid the grace of martyrdom at a youthful age. Through the intercession grant us constancy in Your commandments, You Who gave the crown to a virgin who fought for You.